Making Sense of an Independent Chuuk (Part 3)

Our subject, "Making Sense of an Independent Chuuk" will be a series of articles centered around newsletters, videos and other materials pertaining to the subject of "Chuuk Independence".

Please Read, Part 1 and Part 2.

In this episode of our ongoing series, we have compiled all of the videos relevant to "Chuuk Independence", as well as some applicable documents. We have them listed according to dates published, not the actual dates of the events. We will continue to add new videos and relevant documents as they become available.

Links to important documents/article:

  1. Compact documents of the FSM.
  2. The FSM constitution.
  3. The Chuuk state constitution.
  4. The CPSC final report.
  5. The FSM's 2023 "Action Plan" (draft).
  6. Compact Implications of a Chuuk secession.
  7. The Legality of Secession From the FSM; FSM-DOJ.

  1. Upload date: November 24, 2014.
  2. Agenda: CPSC Public Hearing.
  3. Venue: University of Hawaii. Hilo, Hawaii.
  4. Language: Chuukese.

Public hearing by members of the Chuuk Political Status Commission, Sabino Asor (chair) and Winipilat Bisalen (member) at University of Hawaii at Hilo hosted by the Chuukese Student Association of UH Hilo and HCC on November 24, 2014.

  1.  Upload date: December 21, 2014.
  2.  Agenda: FSM President, "Manny" Mori, on Chuuk Independence.
  3.  Venue: University of Hawaii. Hilo, Hawaii.
  4. Language: English.

FSM President Manny Mori takes some time out from his FSM Citizens Meeting at UH Hilo to discuss the Chuuk Secession Movement.

  1. Upload date: January 10, 2015.
  2. Agenda: CPSC Public Hearing.
  3. Venue: St. Elizabeth Episcopal Church. Honolulu, Hawaii.
  4. Language: Chuukese.

The Chuuk Future Political Status Commission held a public hearing in Honolulu, Hawaii to inform the public about their recommendation for the state of Chuuk to seek an independent status from the FSM.

  1. Upload date: January 10, 2015.
  2. Agenda: CPSC Public Hearing. CPSC outline of secession timeline.
  3. Venue: University of Hawaii. Hilo, Hawaii.
  4. Language: Chuukese.

Chuuk Attorney General Sabino Asor illustrates the timeline for the Chuuk secession process according to the Chuuk Political Status Commission's game plan.

  1. Upload date: January 30, 2015.
  2. Agenda: The FSM's president, Emanuel "Manny" Mori, responds to the Chuuk Independence movement.
  3. Venue: The College of Micronesia, National Campus.
  4. Language: English and Chuukese.

President Mori discusses the Chuuk Independence Petition COM-FSM's National Campus

  1. Upload date: February 2, 2015.
  2. Agenda: CPSC holds public hearing.
  3. Venue: The COM-FSM national campus.
  4. Language: English & Chuukese.

CPSC Commissioners speaking at COM-FSM on the secession initiative on January 30, 2015

  1. Upload date: February 8, 2015.
  2. Agenda: FSM's President Mori, presents his Task Force for Unity. 
  3. Venue: Honolulu Hawaii.
  4. Languages: English & Chuukese.


In response to Chuuk State's Political Status Commission, President Mori of the FSM has formed the "Task Force for Unity" to appeal to Chuukese voters to vote "No" for independence.

Upload date: February 12, 2015
Agenda: FSM President, Emanuel "Manny" Mori sends a message of unity to Chuuk voters.
Venue: Honolulu, Hawaii.
Language: Chuukese.

Vidalino Raatior interviews FSM President Emanuel "Manny" Mori on the Chuuk Secession Movement

Other relevant videos:

  1. Upload date: December 18, 2014.
  2. Agenda: Explain FSM's 2023 "action plan" in preparation for the end of compact funding in 2024.
  3. Venue: University of Hawaii. Hilo, Hawaii.
  4. Language: English.

Federated States of Micronesia President Emanuel "Manny" Mori brings a delegation to University of Hawaii at Hilo on Big Island (Hawaii) to discuss the 2023 Action Plan for the FSM and hold a Question and Answer session with FSM citizens.